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Reliable. High Quality.
Order taxi number one, Taksi1

Order Taksi1 by calling

You can order a cab by calling the numbers below.

Kuopio: 0200 111 01

(2,50 € / tel. + 25 snt / 10 s.)

Joensuu: 0300 301 111

(2,50 € / tel. + 25 snt / 10 s.)

Siilinjärvi: 0200 111 01

(2,50 € / tel. + 25 snt / 10 s.)

Pre-bookings & fares

You can pre-order a taxi free of charge. If you need to arrive your destination before 8 am, we recommend you preorder a taxi the previous day before 8pm. Taxi fares are based on kilometer rate, which is determined by the number of passengers. Base fee is included in every taxi drive and is based on when you travel.

Kuopio and Siilinjärvi

The total price of the trip is based on the start fee , kilometer charge and minute charge.

On weekdays, Saturdays, adn Eves from 6am to 6pm Outside the times mentioned
Start fee 1-4 hlöä 5,00 € 8,00 €
Start fee 5-8 hlöä 6,00 € 9,00 €
Time fee €/min. 0,99 € 0,99 €
Kilometer fee €/ Km (1-4 persons) 1,32 € 1,42 €
Kilometer fee €/ Km (5-8 persons) 1,69 € 1,99 €


Extra charges

Luggage charge 2,80€ – when you travel with big luggage or with pets

Assistance charge 15,70 € – when a customer requires assistance from point of departure to a taxi and from taxi to point of arrival and when a vehicle is required to be equipped with accessories for the disabled

Stretcher charge 29,20 € – when stretchers are needed for the transportation of a customer

Prices include VAT 0% unless otherwise mentioned.

Payment methods: Cash, debit and credit cars, Taksiliitto’s card, Savon Taksidata’s card


The total price of the trip is based on the start fee , kilometer charge and minute charge.

On weekdays, Saturdays, Eves from 6am to 6pm Outside the times mentioned
Start fee € 6,50 € 9,50 €
Time fee €/ min. 1,03 € 1,03 €
Kilometer fee €/ Km (1-4 persons) 1,505 € 1,505 €
Kilometer fee €/ Km (5-8 persons) 2,29 € 2,29 €


Extra charges

Assistance charge 15,70 € – when a customer requires assistance from point of departure to a taxi and from taxi to point of arrival and when a vehicle is required to be equipped with accessories for the disabled

Stretcher charge 29,20 € – when stretchers are needed for the transportation of a customer

Prices include VAT 0% unless otherwise mentioned.

Payment methods: Cash, debit and credit cards